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Writer's pictureKeegan A.M. Lewis

How to Establish Accurate Business Information Online Quickly Using Listing Builder

Updated: Jan 28, 2022

The steps to quickly establishing accurate business information on Google My Business, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter


Establish Accurate Business Information with Listing Builder in Just Three Easy Steps

presented by EdCopy

If you've ever wanted put a more firm foundation beneath your approach to managing your online presence, then you're reading the right article. That's because you're about to discover an easy three-step method for making sure search engines and social media have accurate information about you and the education business you're growing (or starting).

And the good news is that this method works even if you didn't even know you could tell search engines what to list about you.

Read on...

Step one: Complete a Business Profile.

Many teachers who are new to managing an online presence don't even realize that they need to this step before they can update or establish listing information and send it off to search engines, reviews sites, and social directories. And that's why a lot of teachers trying to show up online in more places have difficulty getting it done quickly — they're simply starting without the first crucial step.

So, the first thing you need to do is get signed in to EdCopy Admin Center and open the Listing Builder. Get to the Listing Builder 'Overview' page. On the Overview page, touch the 'Edit Business Profile' button.

Your Business Profile is where you can manage all the information about your business. This includes Name, Address, Phone, Website, and additional data like your social media accounts, geolocation, etc. Don't worry if you can't reach 100%. Just make sure you add as much information as you can.

Filling in as much information as you can, work through the Business Profile. Then, touch the 'Save' button.

Once you've completed your Business Profile using Listing Builder, then you can move on to the next step...

Step two: Sync your profile data directly to other listing sites.

The next thing you need to do is a profile sync. This is where you send your Business Profile to listing sites.

From the Listing Builder Overview page, touch the 'Manage Listing Sync' button.

Start by syncing your Business Profile information to four different sites. Some sites can sync your data directly. If you have a profile on any of the sites available for the foundational profile sync (Google My Business, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), get them connected to make it more likely that customers can find you through search. Anytime you change your Business Profile information in EdCopy Admin Center, it'll automatically update on these sites the next time your listing syncs.

When I first started trying to show up in more online business listings, I made a lot of mistakes. And now that I've helped others do it, I see a lot of educators have a tendency to make the same mistakes. So let me share with you the top two of mistakes and how to avoid them.

  • Mistake one: Updating Business Profile information on individual sites one at a time. This mistake is an easy to make, but also easy to avoid. It's easy to make because updating profiles one at a time is the natural way we've become accustomed to updating profiles. And while it might not be a tremendous problem (why would it be? You've been updating profiles that way for years), it is unnecessarily time-consuming, especially as certain aspects of your Business Profile change. The hassle of making minor changes here and there on multiple sites is no longer a necessary. When you use listing sync, you avoid this time-consuming mistake since you send and update your Business Profile data from one place, the EdCopy Admin Center.

  • Mistake two: Trying to establish a Business Profile on every listing site possible straight out of the gate. Of course you'd like to see your education business listed and thriving on various sites, maps, GPS systems, and social sites. With Listing Sync, there are over thirty sites to which you can send your Business Profile. But don't let the allure of seeing your business all over lead you to make this move prematurely. The EdCopy recommendation is to start with four foundational sites: Google My Business, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It makes more sense to seek the full gamut of listing options after you have learned to leverage these foundational listings into traffic, engagement, and income.

Step three: Learn about and analyze key insights to understand how to reach customers more predictably.

At this step in Listing Builder, you're likely to notice that there isn't much left to explore. So, what you need to do is study the insights that are made available. To do this, touch the 'Google Insights' link that's in Listing Builder.

There are metrics for seven different insight types that are helpful to know:

  1. Searches - How customers search for your business

  2. Views - Where customers view your business in Google

  3. Customer Actions - The most common actions that customers take on your listing

  4. Direction Requests - How many times customers request directions to your business

  5. Phone Calls - How many times customers call your business

  6. Photo Views - The number of times your business photos have been viewed

  7. Photo Quantity - The number of photos that appear on your business listing

I still remember the first time I was doing this step and trying to see how much and what kind of engagement my business listing was getting. I know it's disheartening to see low engagement, but that is exactly why the insights are there. Use the metrics you find to help you refine the strategy you're using to reach customers and potential customers.


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