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What to do when students argue with you

What To Do When Students Argue With You

Blog Intro: There's a key question every educator needs to ask themselves at some point: "If I was a student, what would I like my teacher to do?"

It's a hard question that can be tough to answer. Luckily, when you're in the classroom, it's rare for students to speak out against you. But if they do, how should you react?

We've got some tips for you if your students ever argue with you.

1. How should you react when students argue with you?

2. Be empathetic to their point of view

3. Assume good intentions on the part of your students

4. In the moment, don't get too upset, and don't get angry with students who argue with you

5. Use this as a learning opportunity to improve your relationship with your students going forward

Conclusion: The best way to deal with a student who argues with you is to stay calm and not get too angry, even if they're acting like a know-it-all or have no respect for your authority. If you can avoid getting upset, you'll keep your composure and be in a better position to resolve the situation quickly and effectively.

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