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Writer's pictureKeegan A.M. Lewis

3 ways teachers can be persistent and inspire students to succeed

Updated: Mar 2, 2022

3 Ways Teachers Can Be Persistent and Inspire Students to Succeed
You may not realize it, but your persistence has a tremendous impact on the success of your students.

What's the best way to be persistent and inspire our students? There are three ways to be persistent and inspire students to succeed, according to this article. The first is creating engagement between you and your students. The second is encouraging our students to take ownership of their own learning, rather than treating them as passive recipients of knowledge. The third is building a culture of persistence in the classroom which empowers students to work together towards a goal, rather than working against each other for grades.

How to be persistent and inspire our students

Education is complex. We want our students to be accomplished, successful, and enthusiastic. But the process of getting there involves more than just knowledge and content. School teachers are an essential part of our society because they prepare the future generations, so when it comes to education, persistence is crucial.

Being persistent is a mindset — and sense maintaining persistence over time is difficult, this article covers three ways to persist in the classroom in order to inspire students to succeed.

1. We can be persistent and inspire our students by creating engagement between us and them

There are plenty of articles about inspiring students. But what does it mean to inspire someone in the first place? Inspiration is not just about being nice, or being a good teacher. It's about creating a connection between yourself and your students.

The most inspiring teachers inspire their students to learn by showing that they care about them individually and that they know what they're talking about. Here's how to make it happen for you:

Find something in common with each student. This goes beyond simple name-recognition. Find out what your students are interested in, and use that to create a connection between yourself and them. You can do this by getting to know them personally as much as possible, or simply by showing interest in the things they bring up in class.

Do more than just teach your subject. A good teacher knows more than just their subject; they know their students as people. If one of your students is struggling, reach out to them outside of the classroom to help them succeed. Be willing to admit when you're wrong and change your teaching methods if necessary. Make it clear that you care about helping your students learn and have fun doing it.

Create an environment of mutual respect between yourself and your students, and you'll be inspiring them to do their best, stick with the work,build momentum, and to always be respectful of themselves and each other.

While there may still be challenges ahead, teachers can effectively learn how to build and maintain a positive relationship with their students to help keep them engaged throughout the school year and really inspire them to succeed.

2. We can be persistent by encouraging students to take ownership of their own learning rather than treating them as passive recipients of knowledge

It may feel strange to think that you could inspire students to succeed by being persistent. But remember, it isn’t about what we can give them. It’s about who we help them understand themselves to be.

It is not uncommon to see teachers becoming discouraged and downhearted when strategies don’t seem to work or their students confound them. You get so accustomed to assuming the teacher's role that you put your own needs on the back burner. This is where many of those blinding flashes of insight come from.

As teachers, we often put a lot of physical effort into creating an engaging lesson, then we wonder why our students aren’t motivated to give it there all. A key way in which we can inspire and motivate our students is to get them to take ownership of their own learning. Here’s how this works...

Many students have the potential to succeed, but their potential remains untapped for a variety of reasons. We can change that by adopting one of the most powerful leadership traits: persistence.

Teaching is difficult and sometimes thankless work. It requires hours of preparation, patience, and empathy — all while working with people who often don't want to be there. Persistence is necessary in teaching because it's so easy to get discouraged. I've learned how to persist by building relationships with my students, treating them like people rather than problems or projects.

"Be persistent" is the mantra of many teachers, yet in reality, it's easier said than done.

In the eyes of some students, persistence may seem like a waste of time or a boring exercise. Yet this is an important skill for students to learn in order to succeed, too.

Persistence looks very different from sitting in a class passively absorbing information. It involves students taking responsibility for their own learning and being persistent in their efforts to understand concepts and complete assignments. This type of persistence shouldn't just happen once in a while; it should be an ongoing practice.

The best way to be persistent and inspiring as a teacher is to get your students to be persistent and inspiring. This can be tough, but treating your students as intelligent, curious individuals with motivations of their own can make all the difference. Find ways to encourage them to take an active role in their education and you will find that they will put more energy into learning and be more enthusiastic about new topics. Your job is to help them get engaged, not push information at them.

It’s a good exercise to step back and reflect on our own experiences. Teachers, particularly those new to the profession, can use these reflections to prepare themselves for what’s ahead. This is not to discourage anyone from teaching, but to open their eyes to the reality of the classroom and be realistic about what it takes to become a skilled teacher.

If we are persistent in learning about how best to motivate students in the classroom and show how much we value their efforts, we may be able to inspire them to succeed.

We want every student to put forth their best effort and push themselves to achieve as much as they can. Be able to communicate the relevance of a particular learning target so that students value its importance. Students should be challenged, but they shouldn’t be afraid to fail.

Instead of fearing failure, they should learn from their mistakes and make new attempts. This sort of perseverance is one of the most desirable traits you can instill in your students, and it's something that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

3. We can be persistent by building a culture of persistence in the classroom which empowers students to work together towards a goal, rather than working against each other for grades

Persistence has long been a trait that many successful people have in common. For achievers, failure isn't so much an ending as it is a learning experience. They are able to look at each failed experience as a step towards a greater achievement.

Do you want your students to be persistent learners? Or are they the type that if they don’t understand something in class they will give up on the subject? It is important that we teach our students how to be persistent and stay committed to a goal.

One of the greatest gifts we can give students is confidence to persist. Persistence is important not just in school — it shapes the lives of students throughout their careers. But at its core, persisting in the classroom means making sure that every student has an opportunity to succeed. And when I say “every student,” I mean every single one. Even the one who refuses to do his or her work, or talks constantly during class, or bullies other kids—even them.

Many teachers are under the impression that there is no point in being persistent with students who don't try. And to some extent, this is true. There are a lot of students who are going to give up on a task when they first encounter difficulty. That's why it's so important to build a culture of persistence in your classroom.

Building a culture of persistence does not mean tolerating low standards or not setting high goals for your students. It means helping them become resilient and independent learners who know how to handle failure and keep trying until they succeed.

Persistence is a quality that is sought after in many professions, but not all of them. Teachers are often praised for their persistence in encouraging students to do well and persist in their studies. Anyone who has ever been a student knows how important this trait can be for success, but teachers need it just as much as the students do.

When you think about a teacher's job, it makes sense that they would need to be persistent. After all, a teacher must help students learn new things and improve their skills every day. They can't simply get frustrated every time a student fails at something or doesn't understand something right away. Instead, they need to help the student understand what they need to do to succeed next time.

The goal of this article is to help teachers who want to teach their students persistence, develop the skills and strategies necessary to do so.

Over the years, I've identified five major components of persistence:

  1. Setting Goals,

  2. Building Relationships,

  3. Developing Skills,

  4. Overcoming Obstacles,

  5. and Celebrating Success.

By incorporating these guidelines into your everyday teaching methods, you can help each student develop the skills necessary for success in school and beyond.

Teachers can help students build a culture of persistence in many ways.

Whether it’s hosting a class competition, encouraging collaboration rather than competition during classroom activities, or simply putting an emphasis on the importance of not giving up, teachers can establish a classroom where students are willing to work together to achieve their goals, and to persevere beyond what they previously thought they could do.

By doing this, teachers will help build a culture of persistence that works beyond the classroom and helps students pursue the lifelong benefits of persistence in the face of hardship and discouragement.

Persistence is the new cool

In a perfect world, every student would choose to learn, make the right decisions, and find the inspiration to reach their potential. But we aren’t there yet. As educators, it is our job to inspire the students around us to find that motivation, and to remain persistent against failure and odds.

Inspiration starts with passion, which may define your own tenacity as an educator; but there are many ways to go about being persistent in the face of adversity. With a solid support system and a determination to succeed at all costs, we can make sure that everyone gets where they need to be: a successful future with endless potential.

3 Ways for Teachers to Be Persistent and Inspire Students to Succeed

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